The Kewpie collection comprises 600 photographs depicting the lives of self-described ‘moffies’ in Cape Town’s District Six between 1950 and the 1970s and provides a record of a community that was scattered following the demolition of District Six.
Working with The City: an LGBT+ History Partnership
Bristol Ourstories has found that confidentiality is always as issue in local history, as is representation of trans people, bisexuals and the BME community.
Queer Circulations: Gay, Trans and Black Truck Drivers Tell Stories of Independence and of State Surveillance
How do queer and trans truckers use the independence and motion the job provides to escape some of the social constraints placed on them by an often hostile world?
Continuum: Framing Trans Lives in 21st Century Britain
Continuum showcases the diversity of trans voices in 21st century Britain and features 14 artists from a variety of backgrounds, working across a range of artistic media.
York Lesbian Arts Festival, 2000-2008: “It was like we took over the city…”
The York Lesbian Arts Festival is a significant and vibrant part of the city’s queer past.
Brighton’s Trans Histories
Brighton has long been known as the ‘gay capital’ of England, but the city is also a centre for trans communities and histories. A recent project called Brighton Trans*formed, undertaken by QueenSpark Books, recorded the lives and experiences of Brighton’s transgender community in their own words.