Uncovering LGBTQ histories outside the capital at the Hidden Histories Seminar in Plymouth
Join Queer Beyond London in Brighton
Have your say about Brighton’s LGBTQ History with the team from Queer Beyond London.
Help Map LGBTQ Oral History
Help draw attention to LGBTQ oral history resources by mapping their locations on this crowd-sourced map.
Call for Papers: Queer Localities Conference
Queer Localities, a two-day international queer history conference at Birkbeck, University of London, 30 November – 1 December 2017
BE BOLD: Call for Proposals for LGBTQ Exhibitions in Brighton
BE BOLD is opening up the Brighton Museum & Art Gallery to Brighton’s LGBTQ community.
Museum On Tour: Queer Beyond London in Plymouth
Have your say on Plymouth’s LGBTQ history on 4 March 2017.
Queer Beyond London: Manchester Event
Have your say on Manchester’s LGBTQ history at the People’s History Museum, 18 March.
Never Going Underground: LGBT+ Colloquium in Manchester
The People’s History Museum, Manchester wants to bring people together to discuss plans for the 50th anniversary of the partial decriminalisation of homosexual acts and to scope out potential for collaborations and cross-promotion.
You Choose Brighton Royal Pavilion & Museums 2017 LGBTQ Exhibtions
Here’s your chance to have your say on how LGBTQ communities and histories will be commemorated and celebrated by Brighton Museum & Art Gallery.
Blue Plaque for The New Penny
Leeds Civic Trust and sponsors Leeds City Council announce the unveiling of a plaque, which celebrates the historic contribution made by The New Penny to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans* Community.