Brighton Museum & Art Gallery has been engaging with local LGBTQ communities to determine how best to mark 2017, the 50th anniversary of the partial decriminalisation of male homosexual acts in England and Wales. After an animated event discussing options in September, the museum has now put forward two proposals, asking the public to vote on which they’d like to see pursued for 2017.


Here’s your chance to have your say on how LGBTQ communities and histories will be commemorated and celebrated by Brighton Museum & Art Gallery.

Proposal A (Celebrating LGBTQ Lives) and Proposal B (Be Bold: Surprise Us) are both available for download, after which you can visit the online survey to register your preference.

When you follow the link you be offered three choices

  1. Proposal A
  2. Proposal B
  3. Proposal C – the opportunity to combine aspects of A & B

Closing date: 5pm 4 November

Proposal A: Celebrating LGBTQ Lives

An exhibition that celebrates LGBTQ lives through the stories, creativity and histories of the local community. It will explore the way people have expressed their identity, and challenged mainstream opinion of who and what they are. The exhibition will connect with audiences by celebrating people, LGBTQ communities past and present; by exploring power the challenge for equal rights; and presentation, the backdrop of LGBTQ representation in the media and how this has evolved.

Proposal B: Be Bold: Surprise Us

Responding to the community consultation, use the budget to offer the Spotlight gallery as requested – a number of community lead/ curated exhibitions & programming over the 2 years.


If you need any additional information about either proposal you are very welcome to contact Kate Richardson or Susan Eskdale. Please note that Kate works part time, and Susan will be taking some leave ahead of the closing date.

Proposal A  

Kate Richardson
Curator of Community History

Proposal B
Susan Eskdale
Community Engagement & Volunteer Development

Brighton Museum & Art Gallery are keen that as many people as possible who identify with the LGBTQ communities have the opportunity to decide on what should be in the Museum from 2017 so please forward to any interested parties.

You Choose Brighton Royal Pavilion & Museums 2017 LGBTQ Exhibtions
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